
Gary Maria – The trusted name in dog training for over 40 years!


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Puppy training & socialization

I work with clients through all stages of puppy development and molding to ensure each client has a well-adjusted puppy. Training puppies early on ensures a well-adjusted and pleasant companion in the long-run.

Puppy development & training schedule

housebreaking – potty training (as soon as puppy comes home) crate training managing biting (mouthing)
behavior and socialization puppy management training positive reinforcement
basic obedience training – basic on-leash training advanced off-leash obedience training

Puppy management–first critical stage of development

Between the ages of 10 weeks to 16 weeks of age is one of the most important molding times for your puppy.

It is the most critical period for social development. Exposing your puppy to socialization training early on prevents puppy shyness, excessive barking, chewing, anxiety, and depression (yes your puppy can become depressed).

Most importantly, early puppy training helps prevent aggression toward other dogs and people. Stop fears and phobias before they start.

  • Starting at 10 weeks is a critical time for the owner to establish positive pack leadership.
  • This is the time to set expectations so your puppy has a job to deliver on.

GOOD HOME MANNERS ARE A MUST. Home manners include but are not limited to housebreaking, biting, not jumping, chewing furniture, ripping cloths, tearing or digging up the backyard, scaring the children, and so on.

  • Let’s stop unwanted behaviors before they become bad habits.
    By training early, you open the lines of communication. This teaches the dog to respond to your voice and obedience commands.

The results are a truly happy relationship between you and your dog.

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    Puppy training reviews


    The trusted name
    in dog training
    for over 40 years!

    5 Stars - across 256 reviews

    Gary Maria is one of the most
    sought after and experienced
    dog behavior specialists in the
    Bay Area and is recognized as
    an expert in the field. Since
    1977 Gary has improved the
    behavior of thousands of dogs
    using his combination of
    proven techniques.